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2013: No f-ing around

January 14, 2014

What a year.

We decided in Bandon that the slogan for 2013 would be “no f-ing around” because there was lots to do and it was time to get serious about, well, everything.  I think we did well, and between doing a million different things, there really wasn’t any time to f*** around.CIMG1935

January through April of last year was mostly focused on frantically wrapping up experiments in order to include them in the dissertation…CIMG1956

…followed by actually writing the thing.CIMG2005

During that time, I returned to Umatilla in February to teach 4th grade.  Highlights of those two weeks included getting sick (again), spending my time between classes writing my dissertation in the tiny chairs in the library, Valentine’s Day with the kids, Skiposium, and almost running out of gas in the middle of nowhere in eastern Oregon.CIMG1988

In April Sarah and I became doctors (and I had the best hair day of my life).2013_C_027

In May I went back to Umatilla for the last time (it’s crazy how much I miss that crazy place) to teach 2nd grade, Sarah and I met up in Hood River for some wine tasting, and I flew back to Boston for my grandmother’s funeral.CIMG2041

June was mostly about graduation and applying for jobs.  I went to Astoria with my parents.Sarah,DT,Chantal

In July I went to Boston again for my job interview at the Museum.

The rest of the summer was spent trying to soak it all in – hanging out and doing judo with the Daglens in Portland, camping, running a 10k, riding 100 km.1374217_10152029553562189_1558325094_n

I left at the end of August for a crazy road trip.CIMG2260

I started my new job in September and immediately went to Bryan and Kara’s wedding, the Red Sox won the World Series in October, Maria and Galo got married and I moved into my apartment in Arlington in November, and I celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s with family and friends.UO color


Again, what a non-stop year.  Lots of ups and downs.  I’m curious to see what 2014 will bring…

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